Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lady Gaga visit Kuching???

Monday, June 28, 2010

富丽华广场 《LFS影院拟进军二期》

Cineplex operator plans to expand ops to Sibu, Miri and Sabah

KUCHING: Lotus Five Star (LFS), which opened its first cineplex in East Malaysia in Kuching in April, plans to expand its operations to Miri and Sibu as well as break into the Sabah market next year. [莲花五星影院在今年4月于东马古晋开设第一家分行,该公司也计划将在美里、诗巫以及沙巴州扩展新业务。]

Its operations manager Raaj Planiyapan said its cineplex at Riverside Majestic Shopping Complex in Kuching has received very good response despite the emergence of new competitors in the city.

He pointed out that LFS is also the first cineplex to screen Tamil movies in Kuching, and still record ‘full’ house for three Tamil movies in spite of the small Indian population in the city.

“We emphasise being a simple and nice cineplex that offers affordable ticket pricing of RM5 to RM9. Compared to our ‘classier’ competitors, our ticket prices can be considered low.

“We also install the latest in sound system such as DTS, SRD and Dolby Digital Surround System so that our customers can have unforgettable viewing experience,” he told reporters here yesterday.

On the LFS Cineplex in Kuching, he revealed that LFS spent RM2 million on the renovation and upgrading work which included facelift at the lobby, improved sound system and better seats.

He pointed out that its cineplex in Kuching is one of more than 20 such centres owned by BIG Cinemas Lotus Five Star Sdn Bhd, an international cinema chain throughout Malaysia.

He said there are now more cinema-goers especially from the Chinese community at the cineplex after a slow start when it took over from Metrowealth Cinemas in April. There are four screening rooms with total seating capacity of 800, he added.

“About half of the audience are from the Chinese community. I’m also very happy that because of the promotions and the upgrading at the cineplex, we have pulled the crowd back to this shopping complex,” he said.

To a question, he said LFS also has plans to open its second cineplex in Kuching at the Boulevard Shopping Complex. [他说,LFS也计划将在古晋富丽华购物中心设第二间分行。]

“We want to provide more options for the public in Kuching to go and watch movies, as well as give healthy competition to our competitors,” he said, adding that LFS is mulling a 3D movie screening room in Kuching. [他说,LFS有意设3D屏幕在古晋的分行。]

Meanwhile, LFS is offering Hari Raya promotions of drinks and popcorn. A ticket plus regular popcorn and a regular drink, which altogether cost RM8.60, will be offered at a discounted price of RM7.50 during the Hari Raya holidays.

LFS will also be premiering two Malay movies namely Momok and Jin Notti, as well as 3D animated movie from Disney Pictures called G-Force for Hari Raya.

Asked if LFS had plans to screen Hindustani movies, Raaj did not dismiss the possibility following favourable responses to three Tamil movies screened in Kuching earlier.

“We will wait for the next Shah Rukh Khan or Salman Khan blockbuster movies to be screened here,” he said.

Saturday, June 19, 2010



砂拉越首席部长泰益玛目的家族在砂州拥有庞大的商业网络已是众所周知,不过一家网站揭露,泰益玛目家族在加拿大坐拥超过1亿美元(约3亿2千7百60万马 币)的产业,更是当地的社会名流,与加拿大执政党拥有密切的关系。

一个指控泰益玛目榨取砂州天然财富的网站《砂拉越报告》(Sarawak Report)在本周二刊登一则报道,图文并茂详述泰益玛目家族在加拿大的产业。



报道指出,泰益玛目的儿子玛目阿布贝基尔(Mahmud Abu Bekir Taib)、女儿嘉米拉(JamilahTaib,左图)以及胞弟翁玛目(Onn Mahmud)在1983年成立萨多企业(SaktoCorporation),并在加拿大拥有庞大的产业帝国。

该公司的主要产业就是位于渥太华(Ottawa)市中心Preston Square的商业大厦,包括一座玻璃双子大楼以及一座现代购物中心。

“仅仅这些大厦就价值超过1亿美元,同时从一些加拿大首要企业收取租金,包括Xerox, Adobe以及Sun Life,它们租用大厦内的办公楼与零售单位。许多加拿大政府部门也位于大厦内。 ”

除了Preston Square的商业大厦,该网站发现泰益玛目家族也拥有另一栋豪华住宅大厦,从2006年开始出租。泰益玛目家族将大厦名为“阿德莱德”(The Adelaide)。 阿德莱德是澳洲南部的一个城市,也是泰益玛目和已故夫人莱拉所喜爱的澳洲城市。


网站指出,根据加拿大当局的记录,萨多企业在1983年成立,也就是泰益玛目出任砂州首长的两年之后,董事是胞弟翁玛目、儿子玛目阿布贝基尔以及女儿嘉米 拉。当时玛目只有20岁,与嘉米拉都还是学院生。

三个月后翁玛目在香港成立了Richfold Investment有限公司,同一天也成立了Regent Star有限公司,两家公司都拥有同样的地址。

日本媒体曾揭露,泰益玛目就是通过Regent Star作为代理公司,涉嫌收取9家日本船运公司的3200万令吉的木材出口佣金。《当今大马》因为引述日本媒体报道而遭泰益玛目起诉诽谤,目 前案件仍在审讯当中。



经过10年的系列收购行动后,萨多企业的财政报告显示,该公司在1993年的资产已接近4000万加拿大币。可疑的是,萨多企业的收购行动主要是依靠 2500万令吉的免息股东贷款,报告表示还未制定这些贷款的摊还条件。


萨多企业的其他发展计划包括在1989年11月竣工的A级办公大楼,该公司的总部就位于这个名为“333 Preston Street”的大厦内。

在90年代期间,萨多企业声称本身“通过收购与出售各种产业来继续打造其产业规模”,并从2000年开始涉及加拿大数宗最大型的产业交易,包括耗资 3100万加拿大币购买加拿大科技之都卡娜塔(Kanata)100万平方公尺商业地段的超过四分之一面积,以及其他建筑物。


该公司最近也完成了Preston Street商业广场的第二期发展计划,其中包括第二栋16层高的大厦以及庞大的商业中心。


网站指出,萨多企业目前是由泰益玛目的加拿大籍女婿穆雷(Sean Murray)所管理,他在大学邂逅嘉米拉后,于1987年开始涉及萨多的业务。他在迎娶嘉米拉后皈依回教,并成为泰益家族集团数家公司的董事,不过却没 有证据显示他是真正的股东。


穆雷与嘉米拉目前已晋身加拿大社会名流,两人在去年迁入渥太华(Ottawa)第二昂贵,总 值将近3000万令吉的独立洋房时,就曾轰动当地的上流社会。

两人在当地拥有丰富的政治人脉,曾通过萨多提供政治献金给执政党安大略自由党(Ontario LiberalParty),包括安大略省省长麦根迪(DaltonMcguinty)在2003年的6000加拿大币竞选经费。政府在2007年宣布把 7个安大略部门迁入萨多的Preston Square大厦。




“由于泰益玛目和前任首长,也就是泰益玛目叔叔,倡导猖獗与过分的伐木活动,砂州已出口超过250亿美元的木材,目前只剩下不及3%的原始热带雨林,也直 接导致许多原住民陷入贫穷。”


Monday, June 14, 2010

Guesthouse, Travel Centre and Internet Café


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Launch of mixed commercial and residential project Sept 20

One such development is Kuching City Mall Development Sdn Bhd`s mixed commercial and residential project to be launched at its 103-acre site on Sept 20. KUCHING: Padawan Municipal Council, with an estimated population of over 300,000, is a fast growing area in the city`s outskirts.

Its availability of land for housing means more new development can be expected in the immediate future to cater to the growing needs of city folks.

One such development is Kuching City Mall Development Sdn Bhd`s mixed commercial and residential project to be launched at its 103-acre site on Sept 20.

The ceremony will kick off the development work of Phase 5 and 6 of the project to be developed over 15 phases. These two phases involve the construction of 89 units of three-storey contemporary shophouses to be completed by 2011.

Also proposed are 42 single-storey lockup shops (under Phase 7), a large double storey shopping complex (Phase 15) with an anchor hypermarket tenant and 659 units of double storey terraced and double storey semi-detached residential houses.

The shopping complex will offer a staggering array of household provisions and goods for families to shop in comfort.

There is also a proposed open air market occupying a section of the shopping complex building, offering free-flowing natural air, with good shade from the sun and rain.

A food court will beckon customers with its local and international cuisine.

There will also be a landscaped pedestrian walkway between rows of shophouses for the convenience of shoppers.

Parking would be a breeze with spaces for nearly 1,550 cars and 266 motorcycles at street level while the shopping plaza will provide a basement car park for 350 cars and a surface car park for 265 cars.

Located along the main road between Jalan Datuk Amar Kalong Ningkam and Datuk Stephen Yong (1.5km after Kim Hin Tiles Factory) are shophouses of contemporary design and layout.

They will become a focal point to complement and serve the existing matured residential areas in Taman Desa Wira and other surrounding areas (with an estimated population of 20,000).

The site is already linked by surfaced road to Taman Desa Wira and Batu Kawah MJC, just one and a half kilometres away. The existing SRK Arang Road is adjacent to the site.

This project is expected to become a new township to serve the needs of present residents in surrounding areas, and new ones with the completion of the proposed project for residential houses.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Travillion Pub Centre


cheap back to nature holiday Room start from RM60 per nire.located by the clear water river.. annahrais longhouse is waiting for u guys





Website :

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A very nice & interactive World Cup Calendar

Feel free to click the link below, a very special & interactive World Cup Calendar 2010. I am sure you will like it.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010


砂拉越首席部长泰益玛目家族富可敌国的消息再添一笔,他的女儿和女婿不久前入主加拿大渥太华 (Ottawa)第二昂贵,总值将近3,000万令吉的独立洋房。

渥太华当地报章《渥太华公民 报》(Ottawa Citizen)在1月19日报导了这项消息。

该报道指,根据市镇物业评估公司 (MPAC),嘉米拉哈米达(Jamilah Hamidah Taib)和其从事建筑发展业的夫婿西恩莫瑞(Sean Murray)买下这栋富丽堂皇的洋房。它的价格位居渥太华私人豪宅的第二位。


“这对夫妻位于石崖公园 (Rockcliffe Park)庄园大道第688号的房子在去年全部完工,估价师认为,其价值是960万9,000加币(2830万令吉)。”



根据《渥太华公民报》报道,当地最昂贵的洋房则属于加拿大软体钜子迈克考普兰(Michael Cowpland)夫妇所拥有,其价值在1,253万5,000加币,或3,680万令吉。

迈克考普兰在 1985年创立Corel公司,是加拿大最大的软体公司,也是个人应用软体、绘图及桌面排版软件的第二大销售商。

嘉 米拉和西恩对商业雄心勃勃,拥有渥太华重要的产业公司之一,即萨多企业(Sakto Corporation)。


这对夫妻的新家以大理石装潢,其中拥有20盏水晶吊灯。它所坐落的石崖公园,其中有24栋房子名列渥太华 顶级住宅的前25名。



“这对夫妻的房 子一楼都是拱形的天花板,并且拥有1万2,500平方公尺的空间。房子几乎占据整片的一英亩地。”



嘉米拉和其他家属共同掌握砂拉越最重要的一些企业,包括砂州日光集团(Cahaya Mata Sarawak)。

泰益玛目的两个儿子蘇萊曼泰益(Sulaiman Abdul Rahman)和瑪目泰益(Mahmud Abu Bekir Taib)这个集团主控砂州日光集团。而泰益玛目的妻子莱拉(Leila Taib)也是该集团的重要股东之一。



泰 益玛目已经担任砂拉越首席部长长达27年。两年前,他因为一篇揭露日本船运者给香港一家跟他家族有关联的公司给付木桐回佣的新闻,而起诉《当今大马》。这 宗起诉案将在今年底在高庭进行审讯。


Friday, June 04, 2010

SOHO 188 West

SOHO 188 West was a combination of residential apartments and commercial shop lots which was suitable for young entrepreneurs who were looking for a new concept of lifestyle of having their shop lots and residence built together.

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